Sunday, October 30, 2011

Raising 'Raising Indiana'

Thanks to everyone whose been very supportive of the podcasts.  Sheila, my producer, and I feel like we're heading in the right direction but we're always trying to 'raise' the bar as it were. Here's some of the ways:

1. Everyone can listen.  We've moved to the youtube format since some folks have had difficulty in downloading the podcasts.

2. They'll be shorter.  The shows have been recorded from wherever the fuzzybutts and I happen to be at the time and unedited since we essentially have no operating budget. That's going to change and we plan to keep every podcast at 10 minutes per. 

3. Air date change.  Podcasts will go live now every Thursday 9PM EST rather than Thursday 7PM EST.

4. Participation.  Each week, we'll post our upcoming interviews and allow everyone to submit questions for our guests.  I'll select one or two of the best questions to pose to our esteemed guests.  Note, our production schedule isn't the same as our release date.  Sometimes we record multiple shows per week but don't air them til later.

As we strive for continual excellence on this show, thank you for your patience.  Oh, and we're looking for a production assistant. Email us at if you're interested. 

Keep the faith & puppy up

Hudson, Indy, & Luke

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us posted Luke, and keep up the good work!
