Saturday, October 8, 2011

When Choosing a Dog Trainer, Buyer Beware!

When choosing a trainer for puppy or adult dog “talk with the trainer you
might use. Observe a class. The only way to know for sure the trainer uses
current, positive methods is by contacting and asking questions. If the trainer
suggests any methods that use force or pain, run quickly in another direction.”
Jan Casey, reward-based trainer and member of the
Association of Animal Behavior

When Choosing A Dog Trainer, Buyer Beware!
August 27, 2010 by Leah Roberts for

In 1981 Dr. Ian Dunbar developed the first Sirius Puppy Training Class,
he was and remains a leader in puppy & dog training and an advocate for
proper training practices.

Dr. Ian Dunbar and SIRIUS® established the hallmark for puppy classes and its concept
has been adopted and adapted by most educated trainers.

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